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Himalayan Healing Sounds comes from a life long passion to help people clear, balance and align their energy to feel healthy and connected to their heart and mind. There are many energy modalities out there to bring you back to "center" but through the years I've found the ancient Himalayan tradition of using intention and sound bowls (aka:Tibetan Singing Bowls) to be the most powerful and effective way to bring a deep sense of peaceful and loving energy back into your body, awakening your soul and deepening your spiritual understanding of yourself and the world around you

If you find yourself here, it's for a reason. Maybe you are seeking a deeper connection within, or you have been feeling "out of tune" because you have constant stress causing you worry and sleepless nights which has now manifested into physical and emotional pain. Singing bowl sounds assist in bringing you back to the clarity of your heart, mind and body by welcoming and aligning your energy chakras, bringing back balance into your life.

I'm eternally grateful in the presence of another soul who has given me their trust to do a sound healing session for them. Each time I bring intentions of love, compassion and healing and ask the Divine to intuitively guide me, which never ceases to amaze me.  I whole heartedly believe if you try sound healing you will be deeply touched.

If you haven't tried a Himalayan vibrational sound bath look at our new client special or try our group sessions. My hope is for you to experience the power of sound therapy and to start your journey of self healing, compassion and unconditional love. I look forward to seeing you soon!               

Vanessa Leone - Himalayan Healing Sounds

 Love & Light

Sound Bath Meditation, Tibetan Bowl Sound Bath, Reiki Sound Healing, Sound Healing Therapy, Emotional Release Therapy, Relaxation Massage, Ways to deal with COVID, COVID stress


Experience the ancient sounds of healing

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